Counting cards in blackjack is a strategy that has been used by players for decades to gain an edge over the casino

04 oktober 2023 Peter Mortensen

It requires skill, concentration, and a thorough understanding of the game. In this article, we will explore how to count cards in blackjack, its historical development, and why it is important for those interested in casino games.

Introduction to Counting Cards in Blackjack

Counting cards in blackjack is a technique used to keep track of the ratio of high to low-value cards remaining in the deck. By doing so, players can make more informed decisions about their bets and improve their chances of winning. The concept is based on the fact that high-value cards (such as tens and aces) are more favorable to the player, while low-value cards (such as twos and threes) benefit the dealer.

To count cards effectively, one must assign point values to each card. Typically, a player will use the Hi-Lo system, which assigns a value of +1 to low cards (2-6), a value of 0 to neutral cards (7-9), and a value of -1 to high cards (10-Ace). By keeping a running count of these values as the cards are dealt, players can ascertain when the deck is rich in high-value cards and adjust their bets accordingly.

The Historical Evolution of Card Counting in Blackjack


Card counting in blackjack has a rich history that spans several decades. It first gained prominence in the early 1960s when mathematician Edward O. Thorp published his groundbreaking book “Beat the Dealer.” This book introduced the concept of card counting to the general public and presented the first comprehensive strategy for using it effectively.

Thorp’s work inspired countless players and led to increased interest in blackjack as a beatable casino game. However, casinos quickly caught on to the strategy and implemented countermeasures to prevent card counting, such as shuffling the deck more frequently and using multiple decks. Despite these efforts, skilled players continued to find ways to gain an edge and make money from counting cards.

Today, card counting in blackjack is still a debated topic. While it is not illegal, casinos have the right to refuse service to players they suspect of counting cards. Therefore, it is crucial for players to employ stealthy techniques and avoid detection to maximize their chances of success.

Tips and Strategies for Counting Cards in Blackjack

If you are interested in learning how to count cards in blackjack, here are some crucial tips to keep in mind:

1. Start with the Basics: Familiarize yourself with the Hi-Lo system and practice keeping a running count of the cards. Begin with a single deck and gradually work your way up to multiple decks.

2. Master Basic Strategy: Before attempting to count cards, ensure you have a solid understanding of basic blackjack strategy. This will provide a foundation for making correct gameplay decisions.

3. Stay Focused and Alert: Counting cards requires keen concentration and mental agility. Avoid distractions and maintain your focus on the game at all times.

4. Avoid Obvious Bet Changes: Sudden and drastic changes in betting patterns can attract unwanted attention from casino personnel. Instead, try to vary your bet modestly based on the count.

5. Practice, Practice, Practice: Counting cards is a skill that requires practice to master. Invest time in honing your abilities before playing in a live casino.

In conclusion, counting cards in blackjack is a strategy that can give skilled players an advantage over the casino. However, it requires dedication, practice, and the ability to avoid detection. By understanding how to count cards and employing the right techniques, players can increase their chances of winning and enjoy a more fruitful experience at the blackjack table. So, if you’re a fan of casino games and want to enhance your skills, learning how to count cards in blackjack is a worthwhile pursuit.


How can I avoid detection while counting cards in blackjack?

To avoid detection, it's essential to employ stealthy techniques. This includes avoiding obvious betting pattern changes, varying bets modestly based on the count, and maintaining focus and concentration throughout the game.

Is card counting in blackjack illegal?

No, card counting in blackjack is not illegal. However, casinos may refuse service to players they suspect of counting cards.

What is the Hi-Lo system?

The Hi-Lo system is a card counting strategy that assigns point values of +1 to low cards (2-6), 0 to neutral cards (7-9), and -1 to high cards (10-Ace). By keeping a running count of these values, players can gauge the ratio of high to low-value cards remaining in the deck.

Flere Nyheder